Сорри, что долго не было обновок, я куковала без энторнетов. Зато вот опять принесла кучу всего скопом)

Я бы фотографу дала по башке, так снимать даже я могу, и дело даже не в том, что Поля просто одели и сказали чо-нить поделать там на траве в лесу. Рашн фэшн вик прямо.

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Прошлогодняя поездка в Токио вылилась не только в кучу обзорных видосиков, но и лайвы.

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I absolutely love his exquisite cheekbones :heart:
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Развороты покрупнее:
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Про моделей, подобных Полю, довольно часто говорят: "Девкой был бы краше".
Но Поль явно не тот случай все же, и это смог подтвердить наглядно Randall Bachner X)

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@темы: Photoshoot

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Wow *_* May I take him home? Please?


Панкуем, сегодня мы с тобой панкуем Х)

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Вот что получилось в результате этого:

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Интервьюшечка, редкий стафф. Если нужен перевод, маякните в комменты, я сделаю.

What are,in your experience,the ups and downs of the male modeling industry?

PAUL:Like every job,modeling has its ups and downs.Planning anything far ahead doesn't really work out in this job,it's often the case that right before your long-awaited holiday you get a job and,voila ,the holiday isn't happening anymore.

Modeling doesn't last forever.What are your plans when everything is over?Are you involved in any interesting projects right now?

PAUL:I'm currently studying method acting at the Lee Strasberg Theatre and Film Institute in New York.I'm also making music with a band in Japan and writing and painting.There are many different things I do and I'm always involved in at least one sort of collaborative project.The most important things for me are to maintain my liberty,keep my free spirit,travel and educate myself.

Popular cultural stereotypes claim that blonds (and also models)are dumb.What do you think about this?

PAUL:Stereotyping is dangerous.I don't think blonds are generally more stupid than brunettes.Or models for that matter.You find dumb people everywhere.And vice versa you do find intelligent and interesting people everywhere.

Do people treat you differently when they find out that you're a model?

PAUL:People tell me that they are impressed by how I'm so grounded.I'm a very honest ,grounded person in general and I guess people expect models to be arrogant or out of touch with the real world.But sometimes people can be overly excited that they have just met a model,which can be annoying.

What people see from a model is merely physical,it rarely goes deeper than that.Would you like it to be any different? How would you change it?

PAUL:Well, that's what the job is.It's about the physicality of a person.Models have to have the right look at a right time.So if people want to think models are stupid because of the "superficiality"of the job,then they forget that they can't look inside the person,most haven't even met the person and therefore it's pure prejudice.But I don't care - if people want to think Paul is stupid because they have seen him in this magazine,and anyway all models are stupid, so Paul has to be stupid too,because that's the way they want to see it,it's okay with me.

Фанарты внезапно очень даже ничего. Пусть будет и пикча Джонаса, куда ж мы без друзяшек)
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А вот как это выглядит на биллборде. В Японии, естесна:

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